A Gift of Peace From Me To You

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Being more calm and peaceful is one of the best ways that you can be loving and kind to yourself.

And to other people as well.

What I learned from my teachers — going all the way back to the Buddha — is that happiness starts with loving-kindness. 

I invite you to more calm and peace with this free meditation.

It’s a great way to get more calm and peace in just 10 minutes a day.

If you'll listen to this meditation every day, for the next 21 days, I promise that you'll see significant shifts in your life. 

You'll find greater peace, healing, and an increased spiritual connection.

Science and spirituality both prove that meditation is good for you.

So I invite you to give yourself this gift for just 3 weeks. 

Try it out and make a choice from your own experience.

(Remember, 10 minutes is less than 1% of the 24 hours in your day!)

I made this easy for you (and me) and I believe you can do this.

At the end of the 21 days — or even during! — will you reach out to me and let me know what benefits you are experiencing? 

It is my profound wish that this practice will transform your life the same way that it has mine. 

And please let me know your experience, via email or social media.

Enjoy this extra calm and peace in your life today, right here..



I like doing this right after I brush my teeth. 

Then it’s easy to remember (since I connect it with something I’m already doing).

Please enjoy and share this.

Photos by Leone Venter and Taisiia Shestopal on Unsplash

Mag Dimond